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Emsum Design

Chrysocolla + Tibetan Agate + Turquoise + Smokey Quartz


Emsum Design

Chrysocolla + Tibetan Agate + Turquoise + Smokey Quartz


Designed to wear together and priced as a set but will sell individually between $100-$150. Large piece is $200.

Chrysocolla; Reduces self-damaging behavior and is the stone of self-respect, confidence, grace, self-assurance.

 Turquoise; A natural stone that is known as the “Master Healer” for all illnesses. It is an excellent conductor for energy.  It can help to induce wisdom and understanding, enhances trust and kindness and brings the qualities of mental and spiritual clarity to those who seek it.

Smokey Quartz: relieves depression intention to make on bounces sexual energies.

Tibetan Agate: has a stabilizing effect on the body, cleansing at the physical and emotional level.

